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Miguel de Cervantes Wikipdia Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (29 septembre 1547 Alcal de Henares - 23 avril 1616 Madrid [note 2]) est un romancier pote et dramaturge espagnol Miguel de Cervantes - Wikipedia Cervantes (The well-known portrait supposedly by Juan de Juregui It has not been authenticated and no authenticated visual image exists) Instituto Cervantes: aprender espaol cursos de espaol y Todo sobre el espaol en Espaa y en el mundo Cursos de espaol Cultura espaola Instituto Cervantes Cervantes - Study Spanish Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was born in Alcal de Henares Spain on September 29 1547 He studied in Madrid and went on to become a soldier in Italy Miguel de Cervantes Spanish writer Britannicacom Cervantes was born some 20 miles (32 km) from Madrid probably on September 29 (the day of San Miguel) He was certainly baptized on October 9 Cervantes Western Australia - Wikipedia Cervantes is a town in Western Australia off Indian Ocean Drive about 198 kilometres (123 mi) north-north-west of the state capital Perth in the Shire of Dandaragan : Cervantes: Books Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store Discover books read about the author find related products and more More about Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Biblioteca Virtual Miguel Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) es autor clsico y universal Su obra cumbre el Quijote es considerada como la mejor novela mundial de todos los tiempos Miguel de Cervantes - Military Leader Writer - Biographycom Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes created one of the world's greatest literary masterpieces 'Don Quixote' in the early 1600s Miguel de Cervantes was born near Miguel de Cervantes - Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Miguel de Cervantes; Retrato atribuido a Juan de Juregui tambin llamado el Pseudo-Juregui No ha sido autentificado y no existe ningn supuesto
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